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Statement against anti-Asian and Asian American Racism and Hate Acts

We are saddened and horrified by the recent deadly shootings in Atlanta, which appear to have targeted women of Asian descent. While racism and hate crimes against Asians and Asian Americans is not new, over the past twelve months there has been a significant increase in incidents of anti-Asian and anti-Asian American racism and violence in the United States.

We condemn these acts and stand against all acts of racial injustice and violence. Furthermore, we commit ourselves to teaching anti-racist pedagogies and to supporting our Asian and Asian American students, faculty, and staff.

The Asian Studies Faculty


Susan Furukawa

Susan Westhafer Furukawa

Associate Professor of Modern Languages and Literatures (Japanese)
Office: Room 106, World Affairs Center
Natalie Gummer

Natalie Gummer

Professor of Religious Studies & Critical Identity Studies
Edwin F. Wilde, Jr. Distinguished Service Chair
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Office: Room 215, Morse-Ingersoll Hall
Robert André LaFleur

Robert André LaFleur

Professor of Anthropology & History
George Russell Corlis Chair in History
Chair of Asian Studies
Office: Room 206, Morse-Ingersoll Hall
Akiko Ogino

Akiko Ogino

Adjunct Assistant Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures (Japanese)
Office: Room 9 (basement), World Affairs Center
Daniel Youd, Professor of Chinese, Modern Languages & Literatures.

Daniel Michael Youd

Professor of Modern Languages & Literatures (Chinese)
Associate Dean
Office: Room 102, World Affairs Center

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