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Beloit Fiction Journal

Publishing the best in contemporary short fiction since 1985.

The Beloit Fiction Journal publishes the best in contemporary short fiction. Traditional and experimental narratives find a home in our pages. We publish new writers alongside established writers. As one of the few fiction-only journals in the country, we’re able to feature as many as fifteen new stories per issue. We publish fiction in a variety of lengths, and occasionally accept excerpts.

Work first appearing in BFJ has been reprinted in award-winning collections, including the Norton Anthology of Short Fiction, the Flannery O’Connor Award, the Milkweed Fiction Prize, and the Iowa Short Fiction Award. Authors published by BFJ include A. Manette Ansay, Rick Bass, Mark Brazaitis, Lan Samantha Chang, Gary Fincke, Lauren Groff, Robin Hemley, Karl Iagnemma, Dennis Lehane, Cris Mazza, John McNally, Maura Stanton, Ron Wallace, Gordon Weaver and Mark Wisniewski.

Abbie Barsness’23 chose Beloit because of the vibrant creative writing program.

How she knew Beloit was the right place

As a prospective student, Abbie Barsness’23 says Beloit stood out for the strength of its creative writing program and the student-edited Beloit Fiction Journal . It also just felt…

A collection of previous Beloit Fiction Journal covers going back to 1985.

Beloit Fiction Journal behind the scenes

Beloit College has a rich history of producing literary publications , from Blue Moon to Pocket Lint , but only the annual Beloit


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