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Guidelines & Submissions

How to submit your work to the Beloit Fiction Journal.

Reading Period

Our reading period is from August 1st to November 16th only. 

Works Accepted

  • We are open to literary fiction on any subject or theme.
  • We read stories up to 13,000 words.
  • We accept flash fiction.
  • We showcase new writers as well as established writers.
  • Simultaneous submissions are accepted.

Submission Cost

Due to the cost of maintaining our online submission platform, we charge a service fee of $3 per submission.

Submitting your Work


Please submit your work through Submittable. Please double space and use 12-pt font. Include word count at top of document.

By Mail

Starting in 2020, BFJ will no longer be accepting paper submissions. An exception is made for incarcerated persons, who are encouraged to send manuscripts with a self-addressed, stamped envelope to:

Chris Fink, Editor-in-Chief
Beloit Fiction Journal
Box 11, Beloit College
700 College Street
Beloit, WI 53511

If sending multiple submissions, please send us one story at a time with a self-addressed, stamped envelope with each.

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