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Event Setup

Helping setup spaces for your events.

Requesting Setup

Non-Beloit College Events

Events from external groups will need to submit the following request form.

Beloit College Events

A two week verbal notice is requested of an upcoming event that requires assistance from Facilities (includes Housekeeping, Maintenance and Grounds services).  Contact LeeAnn Ryan at 608-363-2733 with questions for campus events.  

An Event Setup Planner Form is requested to be submitted a minimum of one week prior to event.  This allows for better planning and time management to better prepare your event.  A Beloit College account number(s) is required for all events. Account numbers are only charged for necessary overtime or to replace damaged or missing Event equipment.

Materials requested by students must be authorized by Student Engagement and Leadership, Residential Life or Faculty Advisor.  Please get approval before making your request.  A Beloit College budget number will be required for all student event requests.

Requests that are submitted in less than one week’s time risk not being fulfilled due to staffing and resources.  All items requested are on a first come, first serve basis. Facilities reserves the right to adjust quantities to best accommodate all events.

After Hours & Weekend Work

Housekeeping, Maintenance and Grounds services are available for weekend events.

  • Two weeks notice is requested.
  • Weekend services must be approved in advance by the Department Head/Chair.

Your Responsibilities

  • Damage or theft of Event equipment (i.e. tables, podiums, chairs etc.) will be charged to the responsible individual/department.
  • Rooms with movable furniture, such as Weeks Lounge and Grace’s Place will be used as is.  Furniture can be moved by the requesting group but it is their responsibility to return to the original arrangement at the end of the event.

Equipment Available

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